I've been much happier with the size of my shallots this season.....not huge but big enough with nice flat bases and the classic flask shape. I've won 4 shows with my best set, these being Hathern, Seagrave, Sutton Bonington and Sileby. I've now discarded my own strain in favour of those from the bulbs I got from Dave Thornton. I now intend to grow just these ones next season as I now have 40+ to replant. I shan't be growing any other variety such as the longue shallots after Dave said he's grown them all in his time with no success. Good enough for me.
I've also took the plunge and sent off my entry form for Malvern.....nothing too adventurous, just 5 entries in the NVS Midland Championships and a dozen more in the Malvern Championships, including a few in the dahlia classes. I don't expect to pick anything up in the shape of coloured cards but am just wanting to see my veg against the best veg in the country to see how far I have yet to progress. Should be an experience, especially the staging overnight!
What would you recommend as a readily available variety for showing ?
Jermor,Longor,or is there a better one out there.
Hative de Niort is the best by a long way I reckon, although you may sometimes see Aristocrat. Both are readily available from the likes of Medwyn but you're better off trying to 'blag' some from a fellow shower.
LOL !! Don't forget I live in Yorkshire.
There's about as much chance of blagging anything off these miserable tight fisted b@stards as I have of winning the Lottery.
Why do you think there's no Swine Flu up here ?
They'll want paying if their sneeze gave you the Flu.
You can't have 'owt for nowt up her 'tha nos.
P.S, I was born in Lancashire and moved up here at the age of 2,but they still dont class me as being a Yorkshireman.
Thank F@ck for that !!!
Medwyns it is then.
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