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Sunday, November 06, 2011

Propagating leeks

I'm doing something this season that I've been meaning to do for the past few years, that is putting down one of my show leeks to produce baby leeks next season for growing on and showing in 2013! It's not something i've ever done before but I remember seeing it done nearly 20 years ago when I visited an uncle who lives in the north-east leek hotbeds around Sunderland. I chose one of my best shaped Pendle Improved and cut off the bottom 6" or so thus;

Now, the outer layers of flesh will simply rot off in time so you may as well cut them off now, so that the leek is now roughly the same diameter as the base plate. All the old roots are also cut off as these are now dead and useless. The inner core of leaves has already started to re-grow.

I prepared a 6" pot with some old potato peat and 1/3 vermiculite with a pinch of general purpose fertiliser, stuck in a couple of canes and plastic clips, then put the leek in thus, about an inch deep.

The leek should soon re-root and start to grow away in my conservatory over Winter, and I'll be logging the progress over the next 10 months or so until hopefully I can strike some bulbils (or baby leeks) around October 2012.

As I say, this is the way i've been told to do it so if anyone has any different ideas then let me know.

1 comment:

Zoltan .B. Poomeister said...

Did you get that from Ann Summers,or is it one of your old Butt Plugs ?