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Monday, November 21, 2011

matt Munro

First walk of my scottish mini-holiday today, along Glen Fyne and then up Ben Bhuide (attempted!). It was a beautiful walk, if a little slippery in places and I ended up on my Sherie Plumb on several occasions. As it was getting late and mist shrouded the top I decided to leave the summit for a clearer day when the views are reported to be superb, turning back at about 2800'.

I'm now soaking my tired limbs once more and for the benefit of several guys who (rather worryingly!) approached me at the superb Scottish seminar and said they enjoyed my last bathtime photo (names not revealed until the Christmas Smithyveg awards) I hereby post another to keep them happy. I do so to illustrate the joys of taking a bath/shower/wash in Argyll. The water is BLACK! The reason being it comes from a boggy reservoir a few hundred feet up the local hillside. You get used to it eventually and it does make your skin feel incredibly soft afterwards. However, in the spring you also get bits of mashed up frog that strayed too close to the filter!


ontheplot said...

have you ever wondered how scottish people get a sun tan??

Hey Hey

Dave Mercer said...

We don't get a sun tan John, we get rust !!

Richard W. said...

Photo tip.........

Try using a wider angle lens which will stop your legs looking so short.

Babyface said...

Black water my a**e Si. You're just a filthy b*gger! Lol