This is quite a large show and a first prize has to be earned. I got six '1sts', seven '2nds' and three '3rds' which wasn't bad out of 18 entries. My '1sts' were for stump rooted carrots, courgettes, pickling shallots, Top Tray, a succulent pot plant and of course the basket of veg that the wife put together. The stump carrots looked particularly good and I was very happy to get 2nd for my onions which is as good as I've ever done.
However, some shows always baffle you as to how the judge arrives at his decision and I've never won with tomatoes at Leicester. I came 3rd this year and I'll never be able to fathom out why. When I walked away after staging I thought my toms were a 'stitched on' 1st place....as I did last year and the year before that ! But some small, pallid looking specimens gained 1st and 2nd places......ah well. Sometimes you just have to accept it. The cucumber class was also a puzzle, where I lost out to two tiny little gherkin type cucumbers.
Sadly, next year's show will probably be the last as the City Council are not funding it any more as it doesn't 'tick enough boxes' on the funding criteria! However, if you're a tattooed, pierced, organic ethnic with an animal sanctuary catering for fluffy puppies and homeless ducklings who otherwise can't be arsed to get off your lazy backside and do a proper job I'm sure the Council will be falling over themselves to throw money at you!
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