Growing this way I hope to be able to pull some globe beet with nice long tap roots coming exactly out of the centre of the stem. I shall also be able to carefully top up the tank with more compost in order to cover the shoulders of the beet and hopefully prevent the corkiness that can downpoint you. I shall be watering from time to time with a salty solution which I'm told will help to improve the colour and making sure they don't go short of nitrogen. Beetroot is one crop that, surprisingly perhaps, requires quite a lot of nitrogen.
Last year the winning beet at Malvern caused a bit of a stir when it soon became obvious after the judges had made their decision that the grower had oiled his roots with some foreign substance. They were still bright and shiny when everyone else's had dried out. You tend to keep your beet wet when you put them onto the showbench, wrapped in damp cloth until just before you have to vacate the tent. Clever judges will leave the beet until later on in the judging process for them to dry out a bit when it is easier to see any blemishes in the skin finish. At Malvern I can only assume the class was judged early on and this competitor's underhanded action went unnoticed. By late afternoon on day two they were still in pristine condition and it was glaringly obvious to see. A pity as the guy in question is a top grower.
On the other hand was it really cheating? Wasn't he merely exhibiting his produce to maximum effect. We talc our onions and that's accepted. And the night before a show I will soak my beet in buckets of weak vinegar solution to improve the colour. Am I cheating too? It's a contentious issue and I for one am not the sort of person to start an argument. Amen!