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Friday, July 24, 2009

Och aye

Off on me hols this weekend for a week's walking in Scotland (oh yes we are wife and daughter!) so I have stacks to do this weekend before I go.

My first potatoes are ready to have the haulms cut down and I will bring the bags into the garage so that no more water gets to them. I won't empty the bags out as the spuds will need a week for the skins to harden.

Whilst I was off ill my marrows and runner beans went AWOL and I'm struggling to bring them back into line. The runner beans especially look very healthy but the weight of the plant has pulled the ends of the canes almost over double. I'm not quite sure how to get round that one yet.

Most of my onions for the 8oz class have been harvested but my 'large' onions are a bit of a disaster. If I have one weighing a pound that's as much as I have. Pathetic. They'll get another week whilst I'm away but then they'll have to come up and I'll make the best of a shite job.

My parsnips are still looking good although I have been squidging some caterpillars that have taken a shine to the foliage.

The long carrots are disappointing but the Sweet Candle stumps are growing well, although I have had losses due to carrot willow aphid introducing various viruses that kill off the centre growth. One also went to seed which is unusual.

After a slow start my beetroot has picked up nicely, if anything growing too well as I noticed some roots that are already too big for showing.

I've so far managed to keep caterpillars off my cabbages but whether that is the same when I return we shall see. There's only so much I can expect my under-gardener (my daughter's boyfriend) to do.

I have lots of good sized tomatoes and the plants look very healthy so I hope they'll start ripening by mid-August in time for the first shows. Plenty of peppers are forming, as well as aubergines and courgettes. I shall however have to keep picking the courgettes so they don't turn into marrows.

My cucumber plants are about 2 foot high. That is perfect as they will grow very rapidly from now on and form fruits in good time for the shows. However, my peas have been setting flowers for weeks and I'm sure I won't be able to keep them going for another month, so I have a back-up row that are barely 8" tall.

So that's it for now. See you all in a week or so.

Oh and by the way.......Jeremy Clarkson don't you dare apologise this time.......Gordon Brown IS a c***!

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