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Saturday, December 10, 2011

A good job nailed

That's the tomato greenhouse cleared of last year's disaster crop, with the borders being rotavated over and everything given a thorough drenching of Jeyes Fluid inside and out. I'll be giving the soil a good old regular drenching over the Winter with buckets of rainwater as it was a little on the dry side. To be honest I can't remember the last time I watered the plants. Failure to do this leads to a build up of salts which affects the conductivity of the soil and the plants will struggle to take up nutrients next year as a result.

I also need to change a few panes of glass for which i'm tracking a few lots on ebay.

I'm glad I got this job done as it will be a while before I can get back into the garden now as the holiday party and relative visiting season kicks into gear. I'm out with the boys tonight and fully expect to be hugging a bucket and nursing a brainache tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Don't drink to much Simon

Wag from scotland said...

Huh! Bet that was Leesa that cleaned the greenhouse!

Unknown said...

Wag its Leeds that wins all the prizes he is just mediocre

Gavin said...

Nice to meet you at the Quebec Night Club in Leicester on your jolly boys "outing" last weekend Simone.
Can't wait to see you at the Midland Uphill Gardeners Convention next weekend at Rainbow and Dove.
Keep your dibber clean.
Gav. xxxx