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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Carmen verandah

My first three cucumber seedlings 'Carmen' are starting to show the first true leaves so will need planting out in 2 or 3 weeks. I'm growing them a different way this season, in growbags on this raised platform. The idea is that they'll only need to grow vertically for a couple of foot or so before I can start training them horizontally along the greenhouse eaves at eye level and above. In this way I can hang the fruits down and therefore away from the coarse foliage that can mark the skins.

This is similar to the way Charlie Maisey grows his. It was a bit of a fiddle making the framework but I've made it so that it all comes apart and can be stored away in the garage against a wall at the end of the season. I can also still grow the long and stump carrots plus some onions below it in the greenhouse border soil. It means I will have to be a bit of a contortionist to get in and out of my greenhouse once everything is fully grown but being the superb physical athlete that I am it shouldn't be too much of a problem.


James said...

Only you could make the installation of a plank sound so complicated !

mistyhorizon2003 said...

Don't you mean 'by a plank' James LOL

Unknown said...

Time you got a bigger greenhouse. Plank!!!

Simon (Smithyveg) said...

Time I got longer pockets for all the money i'm gonna take off you! Knob!

Dan said...

Plank....what would you suggest as the ideal sowing time for Beetroot for Harrogate ?
I don't want them to get woody....

Simon (Smithyveg) said...

13-15 weeks before. I'll be sowing some this weekend, next weekend and the week after to cover.

Marcus said...

Hi Simon, when do you expect the carmen to be ready for harvest or maybe i should say what is the date of the show these are aimed for.

Simon (Smithyveg) said...

The first three plants are hopefully for the end of August onwards. I shall sow two more seeds next week or the week after to cover the September/October shows.

Cu's grow very fast and you can get up to 20 good fruits of each plant.

Anonymous said...

BBC News Headlines

E.coli outbreak - source isolated to a cucumber patch in a Loughborough garden. Spanish government and British Lesbian Society to sue for compensation.