Thursday, June 28, 2007
Growing peas for show

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
When it all comes right on the day!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tomato update
Monday, June 25, 2007
3rd in a one horse race!
Rain is good and bad.
In between showers yesterday I had to pull a leek that just hadn't grown anywhere as fast as all the others. On closer inspection it appeared to be rotting at the base. All the others seem to be growing strongly so I think it's just one of those things. The area it grew was sterilized with Jeyes fluid and I'll wait a few days and plant a cauliflower or something in it's place......I don't let any piece of spare land go to waste even if the ruins the aesthetics of the plot !
I'd worried that my onions weren't growing as I'd hoped but over the weekend my wife and a neighbour both commented how much they'd swelled since they'd last seen them a few days earlier which pleased me.....when you're seeing them every day you don't appreciate how much they've grown.
Everything is now planted apart from my runner beans and cucumbers. I'll construct the bean fence tomorrow evening.....taking great care to make it a lot more robust than last year's sorry effort when it kept blowing down or coming apart. The cucs will be planted into the border soil in one of my greenhouses at the weekend.
We're on holiday in 3 weeks time so I need to be really on top of everything and make sure everything is in place for my daughter's boyfriend to look after things while we're away. He's never done anything like this before so I'll leave him detailed but simple instructions with a list of jobs to do on a daily basis. All my spray bottles and homemade feeds will have to be clearly labelled so that no mistakes can be made!
I also have a vist from a horticultural society in the next week........I was asked if they could bring round some younger members and people who want to start showing. So I want to make sure the garden is as pristine as possible in order to make a good impression.
Friday, June 22, 2007
In defence of pellets

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Nice shape but poor size

The pots my shallots were growing in were lifted a week ago and stored in my greenhouse so that no more water could get to them. This is so that they stop growing and ripen off properly. (See top pic)
Problems, problems !
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Top Tray
Friday, June 15, 2007
First courgettes planted
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thinning tomato trusses

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
First rooted dahlias
Last weekend I managed to get some rooted dahlia cuttings potted on at last. The pic shows me giving them a tug to make sure they had rooted, but there were also quite a few roots coming out of the bottom of the pots. I like to pot them on even if they're only in the pot for a week or so before planting out, as I like the plants to make a good root system before I plant them in the soil.
When I plant them out I'll probably nip the tops out to make them branch, and put a stake against each plant. Further stakes will be put all the way around the bed and a series of strings wound round so that there are plenty of supports for when the plants get big. They topple over quite easily and any flowering stems can break or end up as funny shapes......you need straight, stout stems for exhibition purposes.
Potato Amour
Monday, June 11, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007
You are out there!
Cabbage update

Friday, June 08, 2007
Potato update

Progress update
Latest on long carrots

Thursday, June 07, 2007
Onions starting to excite me !!!

Showing Tips