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Monday, May 02, 2011

Land of the giants

The best fun I've ever had growing veg was when I managed to grow a 19 stone pumpkin in 2009. Ive just finished reading a very enjoyable book called 'The Biggest Beetroot in the World' by Michael Leapman (ISBN 978-1-84513-319-1) about the world of the giant veg growers. Apparently there is a rift between the NVS guys and the giant growers which I sincerely hope isn't true as I always like to see the big veg at Malvern. They always put a smile on people's faces.

One of the best growers of giant veg is Peter Glazebrook who is getting ever closer to the world onion record. I've organised a trip to his garden for my local hort.soc. in July and am immensely looking forward to seeing the drainpipes against his house where he grows his long roots, watering them from an upstairs window! And guess what? Peter is a follower of this blog as I found out when he approached me at North Derby DA recently and introduced himself although I already knew who he was....everyone does!

Despite another long bank holiday weekend today will be the first day I've been able to get on the plot as I've spent a couple of days walking amongst another Land of the Giants, Snowdonia in Wales. I dragged 4 pals up and over Crib Goch on Friday. It was a glorious day although one friend in particular took some persuading to make the climb rather than doing the much easier tourist tracks.Note the union jack sticking out of my tribute to the Royal Wedding that was going off as we climbed!!

The two dots at the end of the ridge are myself and the friend in question who I was having to nursemaid across. The views were amazing....the drops potentially fatal. Perhaps I should have told him about it before we set off!

On Saturday three us did Tryfan whch is basically a 3000' rock scramble. It looks steep (see the tiny cars below) but you never really feel in any danger and there were literally hundreds doing it.

I even managed to inch out onto 'The Cannon' for a photo opportunity.

And finally what a momentous day this is!! Osama Bin Laden is finally dead. Excellent news. Now all we have to do is get rid of Gaddafi, Robert Mugabe, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-il and George Michael!


Richard W. said...


You forgot Broon and Bliar! We all know how much you love them!

Damo said...

Wish I lived closer to the hills, Tryfan/Glyders/Devil's Kitchen is my favourite walk since my old man dragged me up there as a kid. Breathtaking scenery.