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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hey Nonny Nonny.....

....and other such Shakespearian nonsense. I've come over all floral today and therefore ever so slightly a bit Quentin Crisp. My climbing rose 'Arthur Bell' has been blooming its socks off for two weeks now and looks absolutely stunning and smells like a tart's knicker drawer. I very rarely manage to get any rose blooms for the later shows but if I could get a set of 3 or 5 like this I'd be a winner i'm sure.

And my peony 'Bowl of Beauty' is another one that stops the postman in his tracks in my front garden. This bloom is over 8" across.

Rest assured loyal followers, all this flowery nonsense is but a momentary homo lapse and normal manly service will be resumed shortly.


Unknown said...

was that post for the benifit of the Ingleton crowd?

Richard W. said...

Did you have to stand on tiptoe to sniff the tarts knicker drawer?