Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ester's in the lead....

....not a lot of difference between the two pumpkins but this one is slightly bigger I reckon. Still two weeks to the first show requiring the 'heaviest pumpkin' so this should be around about last year's effort of 262lbs with a bit of luck. I can just about lift it a few inches by myself so there's a fair old weight there already. Great fun.


  1. Looking good Simon, hopefully a winner.....unlike those gents who play at the theatre of dreams who only managed a draw......o how i micked my son yesterday.

  2. T'is but early days Dene....nowt was ever handed out in August!

  3. Looking good, Simon. Looking forward to the hernia pictures. Is there a hernia class at Malvern?

    Out of interest, what's the current overall spread of the plants?

  4. Wouldn't enter this puny specimen at Malvern Richard. Would be laughed out of the marquee. 500lbs minimum to enter there I would imagine.

    Overall spread about 30 foot by 8 foot.

  5. I tried to grow an Atlantic Giant pumpkin one year, gave it all the TLC needed. It reached a grand diameter of 10". pathetic. Yours looks magnificent! What's your secret?

  6. Simon some more advice please
    Thornton ross top tray
    3 types of veg chosen from
    3 onions 6 peas 3 potatoes 6 tomatoes 6 runner beans 3 carrots 3 parsnips also caulis but i do not have any good ones
    what would you stage?
    i have good specimens of all above.

  7. Matron....Atlantic Giant seeds could be the problem. They rarelyget very big. Best to try and get seed from a giant. Plant into well manured ground and water well.

    Paul....whatever you think looks best. My preference would be stumps,tomatoes and potatoes. Long carrots or parsnips usually have to be cut to fit within the tray and look odd.

  8. You know the reason why it looks so big.
    Simon's only 2'6" tall.
