Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long beetroots and long radishes

Mixed views on the long beetroot at the moment. The variety is Cheltenham Green Top which you never see on the benches at the big shows. Most growers go for Regar but I've always found it twists like a corkscrew for me. I prefer the skin finish on CGT. I've also suffered a bit with leaf miner which will affect the final size. The shoulders are about 2" diameter at the moment but I'm growing these with a view to pulling for the RHS Westminster show in October so they have plenty of time to swell out.

Next to the beet i'm growing some long Mooli radish again for Westminster. I grew some last year but found that they force themselves several inches out of the compost, flop to one side and the shoulders go green and manky as a result. When I visited Medwyns in May he was growing some for Chelsea and he said he sowed them several inches down from the top of the pipes, and that if you top up the compost as the shoulders start to emerge from the surface then it stops this happening.

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