Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Well the time is almost upon me when I can find out whether months of hard work has been a waste of time or not. I already know I have decent shallots and 8oz onions, and my runner and french beans should be ok also. But it's the things you can't yet see that will intrigue until the day before the show when you pull them. I'm talking of course about my long and stump carrots and parsnips. Two years ago I pulled some cracking Pinnacle parsnips that got best in show at Leicester. The skin finish was superb but I'd had no idea from the state of the foliage that they would be as good. Last year my parsnips foliage looked amazing but I pulled roots that were riddled with canker. This year? I can't decide. The foliage is reasonable but certainly not great. Parsnips bury themselves right down so I can't tell how big the shoulders are and I don't want to root about as this is a way of letting the canker spores get to the root a lot quicker....if there are any.

I'm semi-concerned about my Sweet Candle stumps as they haven't started forcing themselves up yet to expose the shoulders.....a sure sign that the stump end has formed.....despite being in the ground for over 20 weeks now. Dave Thornton said his were the same. I'm banking on the fact that I used a lot of vermiculite in my bore hole mix and hopefully this makes the compost more spongy and 'gives'. In the past I've suffered with a strange rippling near the stump and I think this may be down to compaction. When you pull your roots you notice that the compost is fairly solid a few inches down, and I'm hoping the vermiculite has stopped this happening. It may also have stopped the roots forcing themselves up. I shall soon be finding out. I need 13 stumps for this weekend's shows.


  1. good luck Southern Jessie LOL.

  2. The mystery, the suspense - I never knew showing could be so gripping but I'm dying to find out what happens next. We'll all be rooting for you.

  3. Me too,I'm getting a bit of a semi on.
    Onions are pitiful and the skins are splitting more like shallots around the necks,god knows why,it's a 1st for me.
    Carrots seem OK but don't know what's underneath.
    Hopefully I'll have the 1st decent long carrots ever as the bleedin' rat didn't reach these and they're a good 2" across at the top.
    Reasonable spuds for a 1st attempt but we'll see how they scrub up but my bloody tomatoes have been ripening so early I'll be lucky to have any left.
    Reasonably happy with the shallots but I admit I did just let'em grow a bit too long.
    Anyway we have a different judge at our show this year who hopefully won't give the nvs medal to some scabby thrip eaten leeks 2 years in a row like the last one did.
    10 days and counting....

  4. Best of luck Simon, I am sure that you will do well and your carrots and parsnips will do you proud. Can't wait to hear how you do. Please post pics of your carrots and parsnips too.

  5. Good luck, Simon.

    Crunch time for me. Would my efforts this year ave been good enough for the show bench, that is the question. I have doubts, but there's always next year. I shall watch your harvest with more than a passing interest.

  6. Thankyou my loyal band of followers, window-lickers, northern nonces, leeches, gimps and bitches.

    Your support is what keeps me going! LOL

  7. Simon I wouldnt be worried about the Sweet Candle - I have never found that it is a carrot that forces itself upwards - if the bore holes are big enough it seems to stay there - my first ones are at 19 weeks and I have pulled a couple over the last 2 weeks - and they are well stumped

  8. I of course will be taking credit for the 2 weeks hard work I did...I think that's got to be worth a tenner...per show :)


  9. Hev

    Better £10 per red card

  10. Loving your blog, you make me and my veggies strictly second rate!
    Good luck for this week shows.

  11. Dream on daughter!

    Phil....welcome...another photographist! Look out for something special i'm planning for you guys (Richard vegblogger also) in early October.

    I'll say no more for now but if you look back at October's postings for the last two years you'll perhaps get an idea.

  12. Argh its only veg and it's taking over!
