Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Seagrave 2009 (and 500 up!)

For the 2nd year running it was held on the same day as Sutton Bonington which means an awful lot of running around and late nights washing spuds. Thankfully next year we're deferring it a week to its traditional day of the 2nd Saturday in the month. However, I did manage to pick up 7 red cards for long carrots (these were actually the carrots from my Leicester collection last week), shallots, tomatoes, marrows, cucumbers, parsnips and heaviest pumpkin (Marg!!).....a mere 70-80 pounds probably.

The show also signalled a personal milestone in that I picked up my 500th red card since I started showing. With the Sutton Bonington result I'm now up to 523, not to mention the numerous red cards I've also picked up at various Spring Shows over the years.

More importantly we raised at least £1200 for local charities. Mick Mills won most points for the 3rd year running. Again he reckoned he'd had a disastrous year! And biggest laugh of the evening was dainty looking Gary Price winning the cup for flower arranging! What a poof!


  1. lol that made me laugh

    I see they have a class for eggs.. What a great idea.. I prosume that is eggs?.

    Did those marrows get second in that picture?.

  2. Hi Liam,

    Yes they are eggs. Quite a few shows round here have classes for eggs. I watched them being judged at Sutton Bonington on Saturday....go on yoke colour, shell size, colour and condition....all looked the bleedin same to me!

    They are my marrows in the photo....only entry but they are good fact my winning marrows from Leicester.

  3. Wow,Is the flower arranger guy trying to levitate an emergency exit sign above his head whilst receiving his cup ?
    He is a man of many talents.
