Tuesday, September 08, 2009

More tattie success

I won both spud classes at Sutton Bonington and along with 3 wins at Leicester and a second at both Seagrave and Hathern I'm happy that I've got back on track with my potatoes this season after two wilderness years. There's some discussion on the NVS website about alternatives to growing in bags of peat but the truth is this season is that I grew them in ordinary compost. I didn't even sieve out all the lumps that you inevitably get in the bags and yet I've had my cleanest tubers ever, so it just goes to show you! I merely put a handful of Vitax Q4 and calcified seaweed into the bottom 2 inches of each bag.

These are the variety Winston which one me the white class.

This is Kestrel which won me the coloured class. They're showing a few blemishes after being out on the bench for 36 hours. For good measure I also came 2nd with Maxine and 3rd with Pixie.


1 comment:

  1. So there's a white class and a separate coloured class is there ?
    Don't let the loony lefties hear about this,they'll call it Vegetable racism.
