Tuesday, September 08, 2009

And the winner of the stupidest grin of the year is.....

......Paul Wlodarczak (aka Winklecrack). After following my advice he's only gone and won most points in the veg section at his local show! I dunno......James (Digtoplant) follows my tomato ripening advice......Dan (allotment diary) follows my carrot advice......I should be claiming commission on their winnings here I reckon! Waddya say boys? Is 10% fair?


  1. I thought I won 'Best Checked Shirt' in show - hey try saying that after a few pints. Seriously thanks for all the advice; I'm fired up for next season when yet more advice will be needed. Cheers Mate - Paul.W

  2. Advice is easy mate...you still have to do the business. Well deserved mate.
