Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Candle in the bin!

Despite my successes I've been hugely disappointed by my roots, especially my stump carrot Sweet Candle. Virtually the whole bed was useless for exhibition, each one being forked or fanged. Obviously some physiological disorder is to blame here as I had amazing success with this variety last year. Perhaps they got a chill at a critical time in their growth one night as I sowed quite early on (mid April) in order for them to develop a stump end, or else the attack of carrot willow aphid stunted their growth. I guess I shall never know for sure but it won't be putting me off growing this variety again. Next year I shall ensure I erect some form of cover over them to keep them snug and free from aphid attack.

Meanwhile, Dan has been having superb success up in the Lakes (big headed bastard!) with these superb roots, so it just goes to show it's still the one to grow.


  1. Same here - all my sweet candle went in the bin either forked or with fly - there was tears ! Just managed to get a set of three hercules good enough to win first in our show.

  2. My earlier sowing wasn't too bad but I used all those at my first two shows.

    It was very frustrating pulling one forked carrot up after another. Under cover.....that's the way to go. I shall be consulting carrot guru Ian Stocks on the matter!

  3. Mine were to big to be honest, but "Any other carrot than long" stated they still won. Need a weaker mix next year.

    I don't know how you could get such bad results Simon from looking at that picture, where did you buy the seed from?.

  4. Ner ner ne ner ner !

    Beginners Luck.

    You can't beat it. LOL !
