Friday, September 11, 2009


There are, of course, two sides to every story, and this fella may well be the whinging nightmare that the show organisers claim him to be, but if he has indeed been banned from his local show because he keeps winning then it well and truly sucks! I've won most points at two shows this season already and it does cross your mind that other exhibitors might get a bit fed up and not bother entering next year. As a member of 3 show committees I am aware of the need to bring fresh blood in, and novice classes are a way of doing this.

Personally, I prefer to impart what knowledge I have in the hope that people might use this information to try and beat me next time round. When I first started showing I didn't just give up because everyone else was beating me but rather I tried to find out what methods other exhibitors used to get their produce looking so good. I remember when I found that show spuds are grown in bags filled with peat or compost that it was like an epithany.

As for Mr. Micklethwaite, only the people involved know the truth. I hope consciences are clear in the society involved.


  1. i might send him a schedule !

  2. William ShakespeareSeptember 12, 2009

    What,pray tell,is an Epithany ?
    Dost thou have a lisp ?

  3. Freemasons-R-UsSeptember 13, 2009

    That's the good old NVS for you.

    Maybe he wasn't buying enough seed from Medwyn.

  4. try and inject a bit of culture and you just get ridicule in return!

    An epiphany (from the ancient Greek "ἐπιφάνεια", epiphaneia, “manifestation, striking appearance”) is the sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something. The term is used in either a philosophical or literal sense to signify that the claimant has "found the last piece of the puzzle and now sees the whole picture," or has new information or experience, often insignificant by itself, that illuminates a deeper or numinous foundational frame of reference.

    So now you know!

  5. William ShakespeareSeptember 13, 2009

    But what pray tell is an Epithany.

    I am aware of an Epiphany but not your Epithany hence the joke.

