Wednesday, August 12, 2009

That git from Loughborough

This is embarrassing! It would appear I've labelled my marrows incorrectly. The ones I thought were Blyton Motley but which didn't appear to be any different from Blyton Belle, are indeed Blyton Belle it would seem.

I had a close look at what I thought were my Blyton Belle tonight and they are indeed very pale specimens, albeit they're all very small fruits so far. These must be Blyton Motley. The yellow fruited marrow is also amongst this batch.

I am a twat.

1 comment:

  1. Getting confusing now. At least you labeled yours, mine just blew away.

    What do you think the one is I posted on my blog? its one of yours thats all I know. I have another plant that looks the same but is different for sure.
