Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blyton Motley....oh no they're not, they're Blyton Belle...see next post!

Can't see a great deal of difference between this and Blyton Belle, except it does appear to be marginally paler. It has the usual speckled markings and has very good form so it should be a winner. Here are my first two fruits growing a few inches apart on the same plant which is growing up a frame. The one on the right is a bit bigger and will be cut this weekend allowing the other to match it for size after another few days. I'll keep bringing the cut one out to put next to it to check them against each other for identical size. There are many more fruitlets forming for later shows.
As I've mentioned before Blyton Belle was raised by Les Stothard, who incidentally also knows that 'git from Humberside' ;o)


  1. I tell you one thing I have found, they can get much fatter yet stay under 12 inches easy, unlike table dainty.

    Any special method to storing? I just keep mine wrapped up in the dark. Sometimes I have a job keeping the stalk tho.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I try to cut as long a stalk as I possibly can, which allows me to cut it again on the show bench to give that freshly cut look.

    I just store them on a puffed up blanket in my garage to make sure their skins stay as unmarked as possible. The skins tend to harden over time I find.

  4. Pity these varieties seem to have short stalks.
