Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Never trust a Hull fan!!

In the most outrageous case of sabotage I've ever come across I've discovered that 4 plants of my usual dahlia 'Kenora Sunset' are actually a pink decorative type.....probably Emma's Coronet? Obviously some errant tuber labelling is to blame here, and as these plants were 'kindly' donated to me by me ol'mucker Kev Broxholme he will forever now be referred to as that 'git from Humberside'.

Only joking...love you really mate! (not in a gay way you understand!). Good job I quite like Emma's Coronet! However, you can bet your bottom dollar I will now be raising this matter at every conceivable opportunity at the top of my voice when I bump into him at the shows in the coming weeks!

I shall be interested to see if the Jomanda he also gave me turn out to be Jomanda at all. It'll probably be Bishop of bloody Llandaff!


  1. kev broxholmeAugust 12, 2009

    whoops. first rule of dahlia growing. when lifting tubers ensure you label your tubers correctly. i could tell you that you must have sports of the 2 varieties i gave you but the truth is that i believe you have marys jomanda (pictured) and hillcrest kismet (medium dec salmon)as those cuttings i retained are showing similar results to yours.
