Wednesday, August 12, 2009

RIP Thomas 'Wally' Middleton

It's the funeral tomorrow of the guy who got me into showing. He died at the all too early age of 62 from prostate cancer. Wally was a work colleague and it was 1994 when I first saw some of Wally's entries at Hathern Show and decided to have a go the next year. I didn't do very well but with his encouragement and endless supply of tips by 1996 I was winning my first red cards, something which I know pleased him no end.

He could be an awkward bugger at times but his heart was always in the right place, and it's strange to think he's no longer going to be around as I know he'd planned to get back into showing after taking a 'few years out'.

Wally was the local tomato and runner bean king, but I also saw him stage some great long leeks, dahlias and gladioli. Rest well friend.

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