Thursday, August 13, 2009

First trophy 2009?

Cut my 2nd Blyton Belle marrow tonight, the one's from the posting a couple of days ago. I cut one yesterday and it was a good half inch longer than the one I left on, and fatter. But when I offered them against each other tonight they were well matched so I cut the other one. It just shows how quickly they can grow.

These will be entered at Hathern in two weeks time, where there is an accompanying trophy to go with the class. I've won this damned thing for the last few years. I say 'damned' as it's a blown glass marrow in a case that is so fragile. Getting it home from the show is always fraught with problems. I reckon my two marrows tonight are as good as any I've grown in a few years so I'm hopeful of already having bagged my first trophy of the season. Big headed tosser.

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