Friday, August 14, 2009

Mixed spud success

Emptied out my Kestrel and Maxine tonight. I got some reasonable sets of Kestrel sorted but there were far too many small ones, and I really need to do away with the pot method as these cause funny shapes. At least the bags 'give' and allow the swelling tuber to grow to a reasonable shape.

The Maxine however were a huge letdown. I've persevered with this variety over the years because when you get them right they do tend to clean up nicely and judges seem to like it. I've noticed it consistently score highly in collections at Malvern. I had lots and lots of very clean but tiny tubers which will however come in handy for my trugs. I think next season I need to put quite a bit more feed in each bag with this variety, and a smidgeon** more in the Kestrel.

**about a handful...a technical term common to Loughburians.

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