Monday, May 21, 2012

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2012

Every lunchtime I go home to see if anything needs watering in the greenhouses, then sit back and catch half an hour of Bargain Hunt. It's something of a ritual and sets me up for the afternoon. So I was most upset today to tune in instead to the BBC's annual coverage of the complete load of bollocks that is the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. 10 minutes was enough to show me that the RHS Floral Pavillion still doesn't get enough coverage and that the show garden designers are still a bunch of pretentious out-of-touch knob-jockeys who haven't seen a fucking greenfly in years.

Alan Titchmarsh, Nikki Chapman et al still use the same buzzword which is 'innovative'. To those of us blessed with the gifts of sight and common sense this roughly translates as 'wank'. And the reigning Chief Wanker once again this year is the little Irish fucktwat Diarmuid Gavin, whose tower garden is about as practical as a cheese dildo. When will the RHS stop giving these lunatics a platform and start showing some proper, down-to-Earth garden design with appropriate emphasis on the plants rather than the ridiculous monstrosities that go under the guise of 'show gardens'?


  1. An Irishman getting paid a fortune for producing a right load of rubbish ?
    That reminds me of someone.

  2. Now now Dan.....Bono (or the King of Ireland as I prefer to call him) can do no wrong in my eyes! Especially as he winds you up so easily!

  3. Guess f#@cking WhoMay 22, 2012

    Have a look at the stupid Irish Billionaire Pricks' latest comments.
    Bono: ‘We’re broke’ but foreign aid must continue.

    "We're broke ?"

    What a monumental penis this man is.

    He's just lost about $250 million today as his Facebook investment crashed,but he's still worth over a Billion yet he says "We're Broke"

    The price of his stupid designer sunglasses could feed a family in Africa for a decade.

    This man is the biggest hypocrite of all time.

    Yes,he winds me up because he is a complete and utter twat !

  4. Looking THAT good doesn't come cheap tha'knows!
