Sunday, May 20, 2012

Parsnip aftercare

I'm very happy with my parsnip progress this season and will be spending more time coddling them than the past two seasons.

All stations were primed with pre-chitted seeds that had the root radicle just visible through the seed casing. This does need to be done very carefully so as not to damage the delicate root. I bury them no more than 1/2" deep into moist compost and water them in with a sprayer.

The 3" tube sections will stay around the plants to concentrate water throughout the season. A pane of glass on top of these kept a moist atmosphere until germination when I inclined them against the tubes. This was so that they didn't scorch if we had any sun (fat chance!) but also to stop them getting the worst of any strong prevailing winds. As the next werk or so forecast decent temperatures I have now removed the glass panes completely. These seedlings will really start to take off in the next few weeks.

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