Sunday, September 26, 2010

Behold my magnificence!

Right, sod off you lot, i'm off to play with my new best friends at the NVS top table!

Only joking! What a weekend! We've not long got back from Malvern where I won the tomato class from 29 dishes, beating my hero the great Medwyn Williams into second place. We didn't get into the tent until gone 11am yesterday morning as the walk over the Malvern ridge ended up as a bit of a route march and took longer than expected. Leesa wasn't happy.

When we got close to the tomatoes I could see a red card close to where I knew my set was and didn't think it could be true. Then I saw Leesa's writing on the variety card and knew it was me and my legs nearly buckled. I am the Midland tomato champion.....unbelievable. However, as Mark Perry (Ciderman) said to me yesterday "This is going to make you unbearable now isn't it?" You betcha!

I also won the novice class. It's apparently the first time anyone has ever won the novice class and one of the main classes, although the great Trevor Last put in a joke complaint that as the tomatoes were judged 10minutes before the novice class I was no longer technically a novice. It was a great moment last night to be presented with two trophies by Medwyn Williams at the presentation evening.

So then guys here's the challenge. If I can do it anyone can. I want to see more of my pals having a go at next year's show and then I'll have a few more friendly faces to keep us company at the presentation evening. However, everyone at Midlands Branch were incredibly friendly and glad to see a new face amongst the cards. More on Malvern 2010 over the next few days but right now I'm bushed. I'll leave you with this close up of the greatest tomatoes grown in 2010 by the greatest tomato grower in the Midlands (2010)......and also the best damned looking!


  1. Hope the builders are widening your front door! Amazing. Congratulations. Well done. Fancy beating Medwyn. Cor!

  2. Just think they are probably on a chese sandwich by now

    Big congrats though

    And remember you won two trophys this year you have to win two next :)

  3. Au contraire Pies,

    They are safely packed and I hope to show them at another show next weekend after a little tip John Branham told me. Some damp cotton wool placed over the calyces should keep them in reasonable condition....and also allows me to look at them every day and sigh! LOL

  4. Well done--I was at the show on Saturday, and the tomato class looked keenly contested, with a number of nice sets.The thought of "if you aint innit, you can't winnit", comes to mind.

  5. Exactly....I was approached by a few people who felt they could have benched some produce and not looked out of place.

    I just wanted to compare my stuff with everyone else's and any card was always going to be a bonus, a red card was way beyond my wildest dreams. To win two was incredible. And the reaction of people like John Branham with his encouragement and Mark Roberts who was over the moon for me was the icing on the cake.

    I'd love to see anyone who might have gleaned a bit of advice from this blog in the tickets next season.

  6. Oh my God, I am giddy with delight for you Simon, wow, wow, wow, you so deserve it, and I am sure you will win even more prizes next year. Congratulations, this only goes to prove why so many of us follow your blog and learn from your advice and tips. Keep 'em coming :)

  7. Well done Simon, first one is the best one.

  8. A brilliant achievement, Simon! Trust you'll keep some seeds for future generations!

    Hope to meet up with you at Westminster next week so that I can henceforth display a 'By Appointment to Smithyveg' plaque above my front door.

    P.S. Shouldn't you be crediting Tesco for their input?

  9. kev broxholmeSeptember 27, 2010

    congratulations again.
    i hear sturton are making it all ticket on saturday in view of the expected crowds to see your veg and my dahlias!
    look fwd to hearing more of your Malvern successes during the week.
    See you saturday at Sturton

  10. You seem to have forgotten two credits in your write up. One for your daughter for nursing your plants whilst you were on holiday and me, your long suffering wife, for picking the winning set for you to display!

  11. I WAS going to mention that in the next posting darling!

  12. Well done Smithy.
    What a great thrill it must have been to get the red ticket.
    Next year your challenge is to win the potato class.

  13. Iain....a bit of a tall order that one. Sherie won all 3 spud classes at the NVS and all 3 on the Malvern side. She had lots of rejected spuds that would have won every single local show I have ever entered!

  14. Go on Smithy.
    Forget the tomatoes and carrots.
    Potatoes are the classes to win now.

  15. I'm extremely green with envy, as i am with any one who got any tomatoes this year as i didn't get a single flower truss on any of my plants. Ah well i supposed i had better give you my congratulations on beating Medwyn.

  16. Simon - Well done - Now you are one of the big boys you have a shooting target on your head for next year. Its an absolutely great feeling to win your first red ticket at this level- never mind Iain And his potatoes when are you going to learn to grow some decent veg like carrots!! Well Done

  17. I still have a mountain to learn....about carrots/leeks/parsnips and yes spuds!

    But yes.....winning my first red card at that level feels bloody good!

  18. Did you think your toms were your best chance of winning, or did you think some of your other stuff was better ? :)

  19. To be honest I did think my toms and shallots had a chance of getting in the tickets.

    However, lots of other entries are all under cover until just before judging so you can't see a lot of stuff. All adds to the intrigue.

  20. Well done Simon im over the moon for you. you do look a bit gay in the photo though can't wait for next year at Harrogate preperations are already under way

  21. After winning a red card for tomatoes (have I mentioned that before?) and beating Medwyn as well as 27 others I think I had every right to look a bit Dale Winton!!!

  22. Well done Simon, hopefully i can get some tickets at our town show next year then who knows, well done again.

  23. hi simon, what can i say, one thing comes to mind and that is practice what you preach and by jove you have certainly done that especialy when you were competing in and with high class opposition.
    well done my friend.

  24. Congratulations Simon and what a result - BRILLIANT. Now you're my Superhero. See you at Harrogate!

  25. Congratulations on winning with your tomatoes , must have been a great feeling.

  26. Well done Smithy. I went on Saturday and was delighted for you. Rob.

  27. Congrats Simon,I saw all your entrees which were very good very well done,but why no mention of your Wife's Winning Trug, personly I thought it should have had Best in Show. PS Hope to see you next Monday at Rugely.

  28. Can I assume the "M.T.C." that now heads your blog stands for "Malvern Tomato Champion" Simon???

  29. Anonymous.....won't be able to get to the Rugeley meeting as I'm getting my stuff ready for Westminster Show the next day.'re the first one to spot that one! LOL

  30. ....but it's actually MIDLANDS Tomato Champion LOL

  31. Well done team Smithy.
    It was good show in a lovely setting,until your head blocked out the view of the entire Malvern ridge.I am surprised you havnt mentioned that your red card in the most entered class was judged by tomato ledgend Charles Maisey.
    Good on you mate.
    PS.Thanks a lot for the shallots.

  32. Well you know how it is Mark....I don't like to go on about it.

    I'm certain you'll be in the tickets next season so keep trying pal.

    By the way the National next season is on the Saturday, Sunday, Monday on the last weekend of August, venue i think is the National Garden of Wales. Don't think I shall be there but I think it will definitely suit you on those dates.
