Friday, September 24, 2010

All set

In the end my cucumbers didn't make it so I only have 19 entries at Malvern. But I've spent as long preparing them as I would 50 for a local show.

All the onions and shallots are individually wrapped in newspaper and I have 28 tomatoes and 24 cherry tomatoes also wrapped in sheets of toilet paper.

Leesa has excelled again with a blinding trug and will finish off at the showground poking bits of parsley and mexican gherkins in the gaps.

Now it's off to bed for a couple of hours kip before a 3am start. Should get to the showground around 5am giving me an hour and a half to get everything in. After a quick cuppa we'll be off over the Malvern ridge for some fresh air and amazing views if the weather forecast is correct.


  1. The picture of your kitchen reminds me of my childhood days of making paper mache out of newspaper and flour and water paste, or wallpaper paste LOL

    Seriously though, best of luck for Malvern, the trug looks great. Can't wait to hear how you get on.

  2. It,s now 7pm and we still don't no the results you are dragging out the the announcement longer than Labours leadership results took.

  3. we are currently at the presentation evening waiting to receive trophy for best tomatoes and new comer!

  4. come on smithyveg let us all know how you got on were all waiting ... bet you got a card for your toms

  5. Paul.W and not Anonymous said above!

  6. I heard that Medwyn is now suicidal.
    I put your success down to Frog Shit in 'yer greenhouse when you were on your hols.
    I hope that daughter no.1 gets some credit for looking after them at such a crucial stage,and for resisting numerous suggestions for her to give them a growth boost by spraying them all with Glysophate by us lot..

  7. There's lovely, boyo.

    See you in chapel later.......

  8. Good luck Simon, score one for us against "the olds"

  9. well done nice to have met you both in the flesh so to speak, great results though, very strong tomatoe class!!!
