Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You got away with that one Smithy

I got a surprising 2nd out of 12 dishes in the coloured potato class at Leicester. Surprising when you saw them on the public viewing on Monday that is, because they looked truly awful due to the amount of scrubbing I had to do to get them looking half decent. When I staged them on the Sunday morning I can assure you they looked pretty good and I wish now I'd taken a photo to show how they can deteriorate on a two day show. (A certain top NVS lady grower's prize winning spuds are often decidely ropey a day after judging by all accounts !). The judge can only make a decision based on what he sees and not what they may look like tomorrow.

You often see a similar thing with dahlias. A bloom can often look perfect at judging but may have lost most of its petals by day two and the viewing public can be confused as to why it has won. Still, after my terrible few weeks with spuds I'm happy to accept this card.


  1. Well done, all the cards count.

  2. It has been such a bad year for potatoes, so you've done really well!
