Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sheer show madness!

I got Leesa to take this photo to illustrate the lengths I (and others) go to in our quest to win a red card or 6. After the final whistle at Leicester there's a mad dash to get all your stuff back off the various benches ready for loading back into the car. I always commandeer a section of table where my collection was exhibited which is handy for the exit door. And it's surprising just how much stuff you take.
There were 6 parsnips, a dozen or so carrots, two sets of shallots, two plates of beet, two sets of french beans etc etc.Throw in a few cacti and it's little wonder that i'm totally shagged out by the end of the day. I started preparing everything for Hathern and Leicester on Friday evening, took all day Saturday and some of first thing Sunday morning. That's not including the onion and shallot tying that went on in the days leading up to the show. And I shall be doing this now every weekend until early October, plus one more at the end of October. Madness.


  1. Fantastic - and that's why Show Secretarys like me admire every single person that exhibits anything from 6 peas to the full coverage that you exhibit. Show time is knackering but fantastic ! Keep up the great work.

  2. For me Robb it's the friendships that you strike up and the banter. Great fun.

  3. It sure is hard graft as I found out this year, but somehow it is so addictive that afterwards you seem to instantly forget the frustrations that lead up to the show and begin planning for the next one straight away.
