Thursday, August 26, 2010

Don't look Ethel!

Anyone glancing in at the kitchen window of Smithyveg Towers tonight would have seen yours truly stood at the kitchen sink apparently wanking off a potato. With my first shows this weekend I had a go at cleaning up a set of 5 Winston for the white potato class at Leicester on Sunday. Heavily scabbed up I have managed to clean them to an acceptable standard that may get a place card. However, it did take an awful lot of hard rubbing that had the sweat pouring out of me and made it look as if I was appearing in a cheap porn film. You really do have to press them into your body and rub vigorously with plenty of clean running water for lubrication. I'd normally do my spuds the night before a show but I knew these would take ages so I did them tonight. As you can see from the photo they're not brilliant and the locations of the scabs are evident but's an entry.

Tonight I also emptied out a dozen bags of a variety I thought was Harmony, a white skinned spud. However, it has pink splashes and is patently not Harmony. A case of mislabelling at the garden centre on this one. Unlike my Winston and Kestrel it is not scabbed up and I have some reasonably good sized tubers. Therefore I shall be able to enter them in the coloured classes at the weekend shows. I think they could be Osprey.


  1. Wow, and to think all along I thought you weren't meant to do anything other than gently wash your potatoes. No wonder this year mine looked like they had been grown in the ground and not compost, only a damp cloth and running water was used to remove the surface dirt, no scrubbing at all!!

    Could your pink blotched potatoes be King Edward's, as I grew these last year and of course they fit your description too.

  2. PS, Is there such a thing as an "expensive" porn film then.....? If so, I have never seen one and am already long since fed up of watching some Swedish Guy armed with a "Magnum/Tom Selleck" style moustache, turning up at the gullible female's front door saying "I have come to feeex your fridge" before the inevitable tacky dialogue and bad music follows including the predictably unexciting action sequences... LOL

  3. They tell me 'Smiffy does Malvern. is pretty steamy.........and good for a larf!

  4. kev broxholmeAugust 27, 2010

    last year if i remember rightly it was your dahlia supplier who had mislabled your plants. this year its your garden centre mislabling your potatoes. you dont have much luck do you!
    no doubt our paths will cross at some stage this weekend either at hathern or leicester. thats providing i can find any suitable dahlias that arnt rain damaged

  5. I remember that dahlia supplier. El Gitto of Humberside I think they were called.

    See you at the shows Kev but I have no dahlias this weekend.

    Just remembered......My missus had a day off the other week to wait in for a man to fix our fridge!!!

  6. And the strange part was that you hadn't even noticed the fridge was broken!! LOL
