Friday, August 27, 2010

Candle in the bin Part II

My show growing pal Mark Roberts says this hobby is life ruining. I wouldn't quite go that far but it's been another disastrous night as I pulled one forked Sweet Candle after another. I'm at a loss as to what's caused this and I had no idea things would be this bad when I started pulling tonight. The shoulders of every single root were superb and the skin condition is excellent but 75% were unshowable. Last year's disaster was down to pest damage but there were no such issues this year as the enviromesh kept carrot fly at bay.

It's not total doom and gloom as I did manage to salvage these specimens to make a few sets for the weekend shows. My wife and kids dread this time of year as they are unable to take a bath until the roots are washed.

A big plus however is that I seem to have some exceptional globe beet with nice colour and long tap roots that are perfectly central. They're a little on the flattish side but are still the best I've grown for a few years and I have high hopes. Still gutted about those carrots though! I may go and chuck some cats in a wheelie bin to make myself feel better!


  1. Every cloud has a silver lining..........



  2. Now I'm starting to panic - my sweet candle have superb shoulders and colour; I was starting to feel a little smug but now having seen your lot I'm having doubts cos I'm using the same mix as you! If my carrots go tits up all I'll be showing will be me a***!
    I think i had beginners luck last year!!!!

  3. I'm not doing so well with my blogging either - the previous comment is from Pau.W

  4. I really feel for you Simon, weeks and weeks of TLC only to have a result like that at the end of it. Never mind, hopefully the sets you do manage to make up will be good enough to secure you a few red cards.

    By the way, picked up my trophy for best root veg in show with my St Valery Carrots last night. It looks super, a nice big shiny cup, my first for vegetable showing.

  5. Beetroot look amazing what breed are they? I only had 2 Sweet Candle that Forked out of a bed of 24 dont think it is the mix as I used your recipie.

  6. Gutted for you - but as you say at least enough to cover the classes at this weekends show.
    Know exactly what you've gone through - i think from reading your post earlier this week - you had a feeling everything wasn't well - i have the same thoughts on mine - will be puling next saturday. Fantastic beetroot.
    Booked tickets for Malvern to see the standard at a "big show" - and if we meet up i'll buy you that pint i've promised you.
    All the best with the Shows.


  7. Thanks for you kind-ish words guys.

    Beetroot is 'Pablo' Paul. Grown in raised beds in sieved compost from the compost heap. Not a mark on them. However, these were intended for Malvern, sown 15 weeks from show day but ready after 6!!!

    Rob....see you at Malvern, i'll be the one winning the misshapen veg classes! LOL
