Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Watch out for those frosts

At this time of year it can be quite frustrating when you have a greenhouse full of plants and you want to start hardening off and planting out. A couple of weeks ago I'd put several trays of various plants outside with a view to hardening them off in readiness for planting. However, the last 3 nights have seen temperatures in the Midlands plummet so I've been bringing plants back into the greenhouse (things like onions and brassicas) or going even further and bringing more tender veg indoors overnight.....lettuce, pumpkins, french beans, peppers etc. It's a bit of a ball-ache but worth it for the peace of mind.

So you really do have to keep an eye on those overnight weather forecasts. There would be nothing worse than putting in all the effort to get your tomato plants looking like this....
......and waking up to find several pots of green snot in the morning.
Another very tender crop is celery and I have 10 plants of Evening Star in their final pots. A crop that requires plenty of nitrogen I have already given the beds where I intend to grow them a dressing of Vitax Q4 plus ammonium nitrate, in anticipation for planting out at the end of the month. I've never managed to grow good celery before but I've got a few plans in mind and intend to give them more attention this year with a view to showing a few at the end of the show season.


  1. Tell me about it !!
    All my Courgettes got frosted in the Polytunnel.down to -1.9c.
    Only got away with my cucs and squash because I couldn't be arsed to plant 'em out at the same time...Lazy luckyness.
    But amazingly my French beans weren't affected even though it got to -1.9c on the old thermometer ,that really baffles me,frost hardy beans ??.
    Mind you it's supposed to be -4 tonight so they'll probably get it too.....Holy Crap!!
    Where's all this bleedin' Global Warming gone ?

  2. Got to around 4C the night before last, but we've hit lucky here in Kent compared with those north of Watford. Mind you, a frost in May is fairly rare. Pretty much the only things left in the greenhouse are tomatoes, chillies and a few bits andd pieces.

    Weather will get better now the Tories are in especially as the sun is reputedly shining out of Nick's rear end. Even the wind has gone since Mr Clown was deposed.

  3. Well now......what can I say to those two different answers from different ends of our fantastic country? Here in the Midlands I remember that in the early 90's (pre-Bliar and Clown) we had a hard frost on the evening of 5th-6th June. That date is now imprinted on my mind. I will plant out before then but I keep a close watch on the forecast and have plenty of fleece, newspapers and even blankets to hand to pop over or around any tender plants......which is pretty much every young plant as even onions and leeks may be caused to bolt later in the season by a late Spring frost.
