Friday, May 14, 2010

Pictures from Medwyns

At last we located the lead to the camera allowing me to download the photos from last week's visit to Medwyns. Here is the great man telling us about his onions in the huge greenhouse he rents at Bangor University.

Blanch and pot leeks all lined up in 30litre pots

There are plants everywhere, all coming to perfection in time for Chelsea next weekend, some 40 odd varieties in all. All these plants are growing on the benches, in large pots or Link-a-bord beds.

Then it was onto Anglesey and the field he eventually wants to re-locate his entire operation to. Now that's what you call a polytunnel!

There was a long run of old drainage pipes in which he was growing his long carrots and parsnips for the autumn shows. They were smaller than mine though!

Dave Thornton pretends he knows how to grow peas.

There was much excitement when Medwyn dug up a single tuber of the potato Casablanca from 15 haulms grown for Chelsea. It was a superb looking spud and should be a real challenge to Winston in future.

As well as having a fantastic set up he has this view on sunny days....Mount Snowdon. What a day!

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