Monday, May 10, 2010

Visit to Medwyns

Right.....that's enough of being totally and utterly right about the two faced knobsharks currently clinging to power by their fingernails.

Yesterday I went on lovely day to the song goes. To be precise it was a coach trip organised by North East Derbyshire NVS DA to Medwyn William's greenhouse at Bangor University to see his veg prior to being harvested and prepared for Chelsea. It was a real eye opener and show veg on a grand scale although he is ably assisted these days by his son and daughter-in-law among others. His onions weren't as big as he would have hoped so I shall be interested to see how big they get in the next couple of weeks prior to the Show.

After a couple of hours at Bangor we then went onto Anglesey (with tour guide commentary from the great man himself) to the field where he grows his brassicas. He also has an enormous polytunnel where he had his potatoes in raised Link-a-bord beds. The haulms had been cut down as the skins need 10+ days to harden up being grown so early in the year. He did dig up one tuber of the new white variety Casablanca whilst we were there and I must say it's going to be one to look out for. It will be giving Winston a run for its money before too long I feel sure.

As soon as I can find the lead to our digital camera I shall download a few photos of a marvellous day out.


  1. Ok im jealous, how do i get to go on these visits, seminars and lectures that you so often attend, oh and comiserations for yesterday but im sure you knew the season was over last weekend.

  2. Simply join the NVS out your local DA and visit or seminar to your heart's content.

    As for the footy.....we'll be back. That b*st*rd Gerrard can't cheat us every week LOL
