Thursday, May 06, 2010

Tonight's weather forecast

The recent shower of shit that has prevailed over the British Isles (13 years and counting) will continue overnight but will disappear by morning, when brighter spells should follow.


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2010

    a bit early to be counting chickens isnt it

  2. Ridiculous isn't it.....I didn't realise we had so many idiots in this country.

    How the hell can anyone vote for these arseholes?

  3. AnonymousMay 07, 2010

    As someone old enough to remember the last time tories was in power. I would rather have what we had then what we might get. The new incumbents wont help the like of me the little people. And i am far then being an idiot for disagreeing with you. PS veg looks to being doing ok Smithy.

  4. People who use 'Anonymous' seriously piss me off. Pathetic!

  5. Been told I should be ashamed of myself for voting tory.From someone who is always ringing in sick-cant get up on a saturday to get in on time.And does sod all when he there-Think he a typical Labour supporter

  6. Didn,t think you would want anything in blue to win Simon.Dont like getting political but, never miss at days work and always on time, up at 5 even when i am not at work, and yes i support all things red, except one, but best of luck for your team tomorrow Simon. Could sign anonymous or even use a blog name but i have a good enough name. PAUL

  7. Now now children.....don't forget the rules of this blog.....I am ALWAYS right LOL.

    Anonymous....I also remember the last time the Tories were in this time they had to step and in and sort out a mess left by Labour. That time it was years of industrial dispute and strikes that had left us the laughing stock of the world. This time massive overspending and waste has left the country bankrupt. Because they took tough decisions then they are reviled.

    And Richard (vegblogger) that's a bit rich coming from you when you were the anonymous commenter on my posts about photography! LOL

    Anyways...Labour lost.....and that's an end to it....let's all move on! LOL

  8. What's Gold and won't work next week ?

    Gordon Brown's front door key.

  9. Rich (Vegblogger)May 09, 2010

    LOL! Was a blog-virgin in those days and didn't know better. As soon as I was deflowered, or should it be devegged, I learnt the error of my sinful ways.

    I, too, remember the Thatcher years very well indeed, and stand firmly with you, Simon. It's no coincidence that the stuff we dig into our plots is brown, but ours rots away within a year!

  10. AnonymousMay 09, 2010

    the tories arent reviled because of "tough decisions" its because they raped and pillaged this country and ruined whole industries through spite and make no mistake they will well and truly shaft the working man again because of 13 years of built up hate and spite

  11. I'm sure you will agree the whole country owes a huge debt for what Gordon Brown has done as Prime Minister.

  12. Well hes gone now
