Friday, November 06, 2009


Surely with a name like Nidal Malik Hasan the yanks saw that one coming? It just goes to show we all have to be vigilant these days.

However, GREAT NEWS. I was speaking to a bloke over the road and got onto the subject of my hobby. Turns out he's very interested and also very rich and he would like to sponsor a huge flower and vegetable show next year with big prize money for all classes. He wants to get as many show growers and their families in one big indoor location at the same time and give us all a treat.

If anyone wants a schedule he can be emailed at

Should be a cracking day out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh Great !!
    Can I enter ?
    I'll have loads of quality legumes to exhibit.
    I'm always "Bean Laden" at that time of year.
