Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hallowe'en Heidi

You couldn't pay me to go to America. I hate their TV shows. Their reliance on therapy makes me piss my pants. But I absolutely love the American import that is Hallowe'en. The kids round here love it also and it was for this reason that I was to be found this afternoon carving my beloved 262lb Heidi into the shape of a hideous fiend. My thanks to Dan for the inspiration!

She was a bugger to start with but eventually things started to take shape.

All beautiful women have their ugly side.

Heidi feels peckish. The pumpkin she is eating must be 25lbs.

One final photo with my love interest of the summer!

My youngest daughter Rebecca and her alien friends seemed impressed!!!


  1. I most ce rtainly am NOT cheeky! LOL

  2. Andre AgassiNovember 10, 2009

    Holy Cow Man !!
    Your Pumpkin's nearly as bald as your head !!
