Sunday, October 04, 2009

You've got to be shitting me?!?

Not veg related but this is starting to annoy me. One of the photography classes at Sturton was entitled 'Green Interest'. Of course there is a wide subject matter for such a title, and both myself and Leesa entered with brilliant photos, especially mine which was truly great. Anyway, the winner was this doctored piece of 'Okay yah' claptrap, a black and white photo which had a tiny piece of it digitally altered to green. Oh for f*ck's sake! The same thing happened last year. Am I mistaken in thinking that you click a button on your camera, you have the resulting shot developed (or downloaded these days!) and voila....THAT is a tossing photograph. To me a photograph is the same as what you shot. Did this person say to his daughter '"right darling, can you just turn black and white for a minute but you can leave your toy green". Photographists are such a bunch of pretentious knob jockeys.


  1. Photo-Shop-Tastic !!.
    Perhaps the "photographer" should spend less time digitally enhancing photos and get off his arse and take his kid for a walk.
    The chubby little F#cker LOL !!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. That last poster obviously didn't realise the rules of my blog.....basically you agree with everything I say or you get deleted!

