Sunday, October 04, 2009

Free seeds anyone?

I split open my best shaped Blyton Belle marrow today. It formed part of my equal fourth placed set at the Midland NVS Championships at Malvern (if the prize cards went down to 5th as they do in the National I have no doubt they would have come equal sixth!!!). Anyway, I have now extracted all the seeds and have a load to give away. If anyone would like half a dozen drop me a line and I'll post them to you. I already have one or two that I have promised some seeds to.
The marrow on the right is Blyton Motley. I'm not too sure about this one as it's a little too similar to Belle, although at Sturton Les Stothard reckoned I should persevere with it.



  1. I have plenty of seed aswell, although I have no idea what is what as they all turned out strange.

    I have a marrow that starts pure white and could be shown white, left longer it goes green, and then turns bright yellow all over. This plant will also produce green bylton type marrows aswell on the same stem.

    I have yet to pick them off as I have been allowing them to mature to extra seed. I will post them on my blog if anyone wants some.

  2. Is there any seeds left? I'm volunteering to construct raised flower beds in a primary school. Thanks.
