Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Valentine Low !?! Piss right off you sanctimonious southern twat!

This article has had me spitting feathers. Quite how someone with the gay sounding name of 'Valentine Low' (oh I bet your parents were cards eh?) has the cheek to take the waz out of us show growers I don't know.

We do it to create a spectacle. We put on a show for the paying public to marvel at. We have a camaraderie that someone who frequents the so called bright lights of London (the arsehole of the World by the way) could never know. It's British. And it's f*cking great!

And contrary to what you say, apart from the huge veg all show veg tastes as good as if not better than supermarket or home grown 'warts and all' veg.

So just f*ck off back under your stone you poncified pontificating poof.


  1. lol what a tos*er

    I can honestly say it doesn't matter how big I grow my veg it always taste better than 5 month old forced on vegetables imported from any old place because this country has forgot its roots.

    People crack on about hard carrot cores the most, but I cook mine and never notice a thing. Shop bought carrots are rock hard and need to be small or they taste of wood.

  2. What a c**k !

    Simon - you sum it up fantastic - anytime your in our neck of the woods there's a pint waiting on the bar for you.


  3. sotherner -say no more

  4. southener -say no more

  5. Not only does he know nothing about the taste and eating quality of show veg,he is also a raging hypocrite !!!!
    The following quote is taken from his own personal uninspiring veg blog.(

    8 May 2008
    This year, however, I am determined to produce a good crop of straight, uniform carrots, the sort of chaps that win prizes at county shows. I prepared a luxury carrot bed by digging out the soil, sieving it, mixing it with compost and builders' sand and then returning it to the bed, so that I ended up with the carrot equivalent of the Georges V in Paris. If I don't grow a bumper crop of monster carrots it won't be for lack of trying.

    Seems to have changed his tune a bit doesn't he?.

    Mind you I would If I could get a free plug of my book in the Times like he's managed to do.

    What the hell makes him any kind of authority to comment on anything,let alone on how to grow veg,and in the Times of all places ?

    Just goes to show yet again,It's not what you know but who you know.

  6. Usually, folks who try to belittle other peoples hobbies have tried and failed at it themselves.

    Perhaps If he spent a bit more time with a spade in his hand rather than a pen he might stop sounding so bitter and jealous and grow something decent!!

    Mind you I don't suppose Mung Beans and Brown Rice are too hard to grow.

  7. Dan,

    I was going to say that he probably spends a lot of time with something else in his hand until I realised that I do that a lot also!

    Anyway....moving wife has just reminded me that we also tend to do the shows in aid of some charity or other. Yet another reason why these shows MUST go on!!!

  8. Well, saying he has his "Pen" in his hand is only 2 letters short of what you meant.

    Or "Is" it LOL.!!!

  9. One final thing....I see his blog has had 800 hits. Mine has had over 2100. Nuff said!

  10. But what do you really think of him?
