Wednesday, September 02, 2009

An attack of seconditis!

All these exhibits won me 2nd places over the weekend. I thought my dish of Vento 8oz onions deserved better as the ones that beat me were barely half the size.....hey ho!

A 2nd or 3rd place in better quality competition is nothing to be sniffed at.


  1. I bet you were gutted to only get a 2nd for your Jam Tarts.

  2. just returned from my first nvs show (south west england d a summer show) where i pickad up 4 firsts and 4 seconds.I can feel a natch attack coming on.

  3. sorry (picked) cider and keyboards dont mix.

  4. We done indeed. Don't think I'm quite up to NVS standrad just yet but intend to dip a toe in at Malvern this year.
