Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mixed feelings

It's a quarter past midnight and I've just finished washing my tatties. It's been an up and down sort of day. Biggest disappointment are my Sweet Candle stumpers which were pretty useless all in all. I got a reasonable set for Leicester but too many were riddled with carrot fly maggot holes. Getting a cover over the beds next season is a must.

My parsnips were pretty good although I did have small patches of canker here and there. I think the change in my mix to a heavier soil percentage might have contributed to this. They weren't as heavy around the shoulder but did carry weight quite a way down the root.

I am however ecstatic about my tomatoes and spuds. The spuds cleaned up very easily indeed, and I have some cracking sets of tomatoes. Now it's time for bed and a 6am start to load the car for the first show at Hathern.


  1. Simon Thanks for your message on the NVS site - However you should check the potato challenge site as there seems to be a love/hate relationship developing here!!!!!

  2. Great news Simon that I have been invited to talk on how not to grow 3 potatoes in a bag - fame and fortune is now in my grasp. I am delighted that such a good grower like myself has now been recognised - Did you know that I not only specialise in growing 3 potatoes in a bag but am also an expert on carrot fly and its prevention( which you don`t seem to be!!!!!!)
