Friday, August 28, 2009

Get down shep!

Went up the allotment tonight to see how my biggest pumpkin has fared since I last saw it a week ago. Is it right that I should be getting sexually aroused at the amazing growth of a vegetable or should I really be keeping such admissions to myself?

It's absolutely huge! (the pumpkin that is!!!)....and I have 3 more that aren't far behind. With the first shows that have a class for heaviest pumpkin still over a week away I really am going to have a problem shifting them. Out of curiosity I may just leave the big one (my new love interest! I've named it Heidi after the blonde one in Sugababes!) to grow as big as possible. However, it may have catastrophic implications for my marriage!


  1. I just can't bring myself to cut my pumpkin off for the show.

    I think for 1 class I might aswell let it grow on for the kids at halloween.

    Been a good year for pumpkins, my halloween variety are producing between 7-9 decent sized pumpkins per plant but are still green at the moment.

    I have 4 very large one's but I'd be in trouble if I cut any.

    Good luck at the shows Simon,all the best.

  2. Oh I intend to show 'Heidi' off to the World LOL

    Plus her 2 slightly smaller sisters Marg (Helgenberger) and Jane (Seymour) as well as her little brother (Rooney....the ugly one at the end)!!!

    Best of luck yourself mate. Keep blogging!

