Tuesday, August 04, 2009

First entries 'put to bed' !

I've lifted the last of my Vento and Tasco onions for the under 8oz class. After stripping to the first unsplit skin......

....they are washed, dried and stored in sawdust. I don't bother talcing them these days. I just haven't the time to mess about with them.

As I mentioned I got the first of my spuds emptied out last weekend. These are Winston (ohhhhh yes!). I find all those that have show potential with no blemishes, including some smaller ones that can be used in trugs.

Here they are being sorted into sets which is not as easy as you might think. Finding 4, 5 or 6 that are similar in size and shape is not easy at all in fact. My admiration for Sherie Plumb is now enhanced.

The sets of 3 are for Top Tray classes.

After I'm happy with my sets they are stored back in the same compost they were growing in, with labels on the surface so that I can go straight to them the night before the show. Only then will they be washed.

Rejects end up in the kitchen.....and Winston is very nice roasted or boiled. Very tasty......and I don't particularly like spuds!

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