Thursday, August 06, 2009

Fobbed off!

One complaint I've heard from other growers from time to time is when they get a wrongly labelled packet of seed that turns out not to be the variety they thought they were growing. It often doesn't become apparent until it's too late. Luckily, this is not a problem I've ever had to worry about.....until now!

I bought some french beans seeds 'Declic' from DT Brown which is described as a green pencil pod type. They've grown fantastically well but the beans are purple speckled. In itself this isn't a problem for me as they look great and I'm hopeful of staging a few good sets because they get to 8" very quickly and don't show any sign of bean bulge.

But I need to know the variety so I emailed DT Brown to see if they knew. I got some nonsense back about 'a lot of green french beans are showing purple speckles this year'. They reckon it's caused by the weather conditions or a virus. What guff !!

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