Friday, October 12, 2007

The weakest links

Sad, sorry sod that I am, I keep a spreadsheet of all my successes since I started showing in 1996. Over the years I can now see those veg that I've had most successes with, notably:

Cabbages 26 wins

Parsnips 25 wins

Long carrots 24 wins

Potatoes 23 wins

Beetroot 22 wins

Tomatoes 16 wins

Cucumbers 15 wins

Marrows 15 wins

However, it also shows some glaring failures on my veg showing CV:

Shallots 7 wins

Runner beans 6 wins

Caulis 1 win

Celery 0 wins

Large onions 0 wins

I've decided that next year I really have to rectify this situation if possible so I'm going all out to try and improve my record on caulis and celery in particular. To do this I'm going to grow far less cabbages as they take up far too much room for the trouble involved. I shall also be growing less 'novelty' veg such as peppers, aubergines, chard and okra and really concentrating on the 'serious' show veg.....onions/leeks/spuds/carrots/parsnips/tomatoes/cucumbers

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