Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pablo can't 'beet' the trusty old favourite

After very successfully growing the beetroot variety 'Red Ace' for many years I inexpliquably decided to grow the variety 'Pablo' this season because it was the winner (and 2nd/3rd/4th and 5th) at last year's NVS Midland Championships held at Malvern.

Well, all I can say is it certainly doesn't like my soil as it's failed to make much of an impression on me. I have had some success with it....a first at Seagrave and two '2nds' at Littleover and Sturton but I've really struggled to get matching sets and most of the roots have hardly got beyond walnut size. Whether the poor summer has had an effect I don't know, but other growers seemed to manage to grow it well enough and it was prominant at the National.

What I do know is that 'Red Ace' used to get me 3 or 4 wins per season and I sowed the 'Pablo' seed on the same weekends and in the same manner as I always have done.

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