Tuesday, September 04, 2007

You numbnut Smiffy!

At Sutton Bonington we have a class called 1 veg/1 fruit/1 flower which I've mentioned before and it gets quite popular as most people are usually able to rustle up 1 good specimen of each.

The pic shows my entry of a white gladioli, an onion and an apple. I'd had the gladdy under a black polythene sack for 4 days as it started to open out too early and I needed to hold it back. When I unwrapped it on the morning off the show it looked lovely and several 'florets' had opened out.

However, whilst it had been under the black sack I'd had it tied to a cane to keep it straight and I forgot to take off a small piece of string at the top of the gladdy. For this reason my entry was disqualified and I could have kicked myself. I should have known better but less experienced exhibitors would possibly have felt seriously aggrieved

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